Sunday, June 19, 2011

Papa Mia Day!

Today is Father's Day and of course, Mia enlisted her mamma's help to concoct some memorable gifts for Papa Mia :)

First we ordered a cake, just for the occasion. It is the only "First" Father's Day Papa will ever have, so it was worth it. Wishing this will be the beginning of a long line of happy memories together.

We also picked out some nice greeting cards. Mamma signed hers. And Mia signed hers. With a loving footprint that Papa can look at every time he feels a little bit lonely: he should know his baby girl's always just a tiny step away.

Of course, we had a t-shit made for the occasion, hand painted by Mamma who expressed quite accurately how we feel about Papa's current favorite exercising routine.

And since Papa has a zillion ties, loads of shirts, three drawers of socks that come in all shapes and colors, all the electronics he could ask for (he buys them for himself so there's nothing even Santa could add)... We decided to customize something he could use every day. And what does Papa need everyday, aside from Mia's kisses? Well coffee of course. So we made sure every time he drinks a cup, we are there, right next to him!

And finally, we printed the nicest photographs and placed them in a fancy frame for him to take to the office because the last time we were there, we noticed our photo dates back to Mia's birth time... We're so grown up and beautiful now, we needed an upgrade for the office!

So hopefully, this was the memorable First Father's Day Papa always imagined, and maybe, even just a dash sweeter ;)

Can't wait for all the celebrations to come! 
We're going to have more and more fun, I can feel it! ;)

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