Thursday, March 5, 2009

Enfin le weekeend!! :-)

Today is the first day I feel like I may be starting to recover from this stupid flu! I coughed a lot last night and still this morning but it seems like the virus is getting out of my system (probably to find a nice cozy place in Hadhoud or Loume :-P)

Homework for today ; it's actually more like


Yes, it may seem a bit late but I've tried many doctors here (and all of them gods to our community in Dubai) and totally hated them!!

The last one was the worst of all. He was my gynecologist during my first pregnancy last summer and he's the one who screwed me over and left the country for a two-month vacation on the same day he told me that I was going to have a miscarriage because the development had stopped and there was no fetus... So him, non merci.

The one before him, my God! He was so unbelievably rude and on top of that we discovered he goes out, in public (no shame from society or his own poor -- apparently handicapped, so he says -- wife) with his patients who are even younger than his own daughter, which I know because I've seen both the mistress and the daughter... So basically I stopped seeing him.

Moved on to another guy (not Lebanese this time) recommended by a friend... Also hated his attitude and way of speaking (so cold and distant) so much that I couldn't stand undress in front of him! Needless to say his Pap Smear was probably the most painful one ever considering how stressed I was!

Before him I had a doctor in Kuwait. And during my first year in Dubai I think I never went to a gynecologist because I used to do all my check-ups back home when I was on vacation. Since I came back from Kuwait, I've seen the miscarriage-ass and a second one just three weeks ago, which seems fine but he only comes twice a month to Dubai which does not reassure Hadhoud who wants someone available all year-long in case of emergency (understandable).

So back to my mission.

Got myself a few names from some friends.
Making calls now.

... see you later ;-)

So that was quick :-)

Reviewed my list of potential doctors recommended lately by pregnant friends. (removing the ones already tested before :-P)

Of course most of them are fully booked but they usually try to accommodate the patient when she is pregnant.

  1. Dr. Najat Al Hazimeh

    Recommended by two currently pregnant friends (she used to be part of the AUB Consultant Physicians clinic -- along with miscarriage-ass and they've all moved to Dr. Suleiman Al Habib's Clinic now)

    She can see me on the 10th (so in 5 days) but I can also go there on Saturday morning, and wait to see her as a walk-in patient.

  2. Dr. Ghada Khalil

    Also recommended by two previously pregnant friends and two currently pregnant ones. She's probably the most popular OBG in Dubai!

    She's fully booked (obviously) but she doesn't even take new patients at this point in time!!! They placed me on the waiting list and took my contact information BUT I duly mentioned I just discovered I was pregnant and that my first pregnancy ended on its 2nd month. It seems this helped move me up on the list, and they will call me back for certain.

Now, all I have to do is:
And Assess.

I usually don't go for female doctors, I don't know why. But this time, the two that were highly recommended were ladies, and I hope this change will bring positive outcomes. (Needless to say that all the other doctors I saw also came highly recommended so basically, I am still very very careful...)

As for the delivery, it will be back home (like almost all the women here in Dubai) and I already know who my doctor is, so no problem there.


I weighed myself again today, and I'm not happy at all with the outcome! Thankfully my endocrinologist gave me an emergency appointment this Saturday to check what's been happening. Crossing fingers and hoping for the best. I can't afford to get overweight in my first month! Wouldn't be healthy for me or the baby...

I've got some suspicions which I inferred by elimination:
  1. Water retention: I know from previous experience that I have this problem and it took me a while to get rid of it after my curettage

  2. Glucophage break: Since I cannot take this medication anymore, it may have caused my sugar levels to rise and thus the weight gain (but I did stop it for about a month during the holidays -- hormonal crazy decision -- and yet did not gain weight at the time; but maybe the pregnancy is playing a role this time)

  3. Thyroid slow down: I am currently taking a fairly low dosage of my thyroid medications, and as mentioned before, my endocrinologist wanted to check for higher dosages next week. Maybe this is what's slowing down my metabolism (thyroid issues require higher dosages of meds during pregnancy)

  4. Folic Acid: Obviously I've started taking Folic Acid every day for the baby's healthy development and it is the only new addition to my regular "diet" which could be causing the weight issues. I really don't know because it's not a symptom usually associated with this supplement...
Waiting for Saturday and hopefully some good news (and steps to take)... And praying I don't reach 70 kilos before that!! :-S


  1. hey, can you please let me know who was the best doctor for you, and also who is the lebanese dr u speak of as i want to see a lebanese one but now u got me alarmed, i dont want to have a don juan as my dr (email me plz on thanks, Sybil

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